Noah Webster's 1828 is one of my favorite tools as a christian. Following are some definitions I found to be very interesting. I love to look up words I am sure I already know the meaning of
and vioula I am always pleasantly surprised. Sometimes I will even run across a scripture verse to illustrate the definition. I love it. So immediately when I get a word from the Lord, one of the first things I do is look up the meaning in this dictionary. Then I proceed to the word of God from that point. I mean you should know the acurate meaning of the word to understand it.
Insecure-not safe, not confident of safety. not effectually guarded or protected, unsafe, exposed to danger or loss.
Insecurity-want of safety, uncertainty, exposure to destruction.
Secure-free from danger of being taken by an enemy, that may resist assault or attack. Safe. free from fear or apprehension of danger, not alarmed, confident of safety. confident , not distrustful. to make safe.
One of the scripture verses I found which illustrated false security - Revelation 3:17 ...I am in need of nothing, and you do not realize and understand that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind and naked. be all those things , and not realize and understand that you you know how much you would have to be deceived.
It just seems to always point to the same thing...TRUST. The harder the trials, and the more pain I experience, and the difficult things that are happening to me - can either turn me toward God are away from Him...Of course , I believe He wants us to draw nearer and closer to Him in these times. But, what happens when we say, " I have need of nothing"- that is so prideful, and God says that He resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. Let's look at humble...low.opposed to high and lofty.not arrogant or assuming. Assuming that we can do it on our own without God.
Prov. 14:26 In the reverant and worshipful fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children shall always have a place of refuge.
Prov. 3 : 26 For the Lord shall be your confidence firm and strong and shall keep your foot from being caught (in a trap or some hidden danger)
So trusting Him and having confidence in Him not self. That should be the place of security. In the shadow of His wings, in the cleft of the rock. These are places of safety.
Isaiah 30:15 Thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; in returning (to Me) and resting (in Me) you shall be saved; in quietness and in (trusting)confidence shall be your strength.
In quietness, I believe its not the "be quiet not talking" kind of quiet, but the quietness of your spirit. At peace. Not anxious. Not fretting.
There it is again, resting, trusting, quietness. Security is not something you build up in yourself. I mean you could do that, but what happens when the storms come, and they will come. The secure foundation is trusting Jesus and being confident in Him and only Him.
When the things that you have come to rely on , let you down, like church, your friends, your spouse, your parents, your children,your money,etc. Where do you go then? What will you turn to?
Tonight as I was walking thru some dark issues the Lord gently led me to the 23rd Psalm...
Your rod(to protect) and Your staff (to guide) they comfort me.
You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies.
Okay, picture a battle scene. Two angry , armed for battle enemies and one army is sitting down for a feast. I mean is that confidence. Is that peaceful..for God to give you so much peace that you could just take in a great meal right there in the presence of your enemies. That's true trust.
You annoint my head with oil...the details in my bible say that the oil was mixed with perfume and applied to runners and it was invigorating, refreshing, and they would be better fit for action.
I will fear NO EVIL, for You are with me.
Oh to trust God..He is truly all we need.
I must ask are you insecure-not confident of safety....trying too hard, trusting in yourself too much, or even worse arrogant, haughty, in need of nothing...proud...
Humble yourself in the mighty hand of God and He will lift you up...Put your mind of things eternal, not on the circumstances of this world....
Good Morning, or is it Afternoon?
7 years ago